How on-site security assessments can protect your building in Ballarat

July 5, 2021

If safeguarding your business and having the peace of mind of knowing it’s protected is of importance to you, why not consider an on-site security assessment in Ballarat?

The Sectrol Security team are your most trusted option for a free on-site security assessment in Ballarat, aiming to keep your business safe from potential security threats.

A free, no obligation quote can be undertaken to evaluate your on-site security.  Our team will assess how they can make your business the safest it can possibly be with the implementation of security options such as monitored electronic alarm systems, commercial CCTV and security patrols for your overall peace of mind.

The team at Sectrol Security have been in operation in the Ballarat region for over forty years.  This is due to a number of reasons, but mostly it comes down to us understanding our customers and their business operations.  We don’t take short cuts with your security; from the information received by our monitoring centre to our expert installation of your security products, and highly experienced patrol staff, we understand your security needs.

As a Private Security Company registered by the Victorian Police Licensing Services Division and a financial member of ASIAL (Australian Security Industry Association Limited), the team are a trusted source of security in Ballarat, and best of all an on-site security assessment comes for free!

With the motto of “Security before Revenue”, you know you can trust the expert team at Sectrol Security for your security needs.  So, if you are after an on-site security assessment which can protect your business in Ballarat, give us a call today!

On-site security assessments Ballarat