Ballarat security guards with a difference

October 27, 2016

If you’ve toiled hard to get your business up and running successfully, it makes sense that you want to leave it in safe hands when you’re absent.

That’s why many business clients turn to Sectrol’s security guards in Ballarat, knowing they’ve got extensive specialist training to keep business premises of all sizes safe from harm.

At Sectrol Security we deliver quality security services to a growing client base. Our security guards are a strong part of the mix. From mobile patrols to static guards, our staff are well trained and professional. They must hold a wide range of qualifications, including a minimum of Certificate 2 and 3 in Security Operations, First Aid Level 2 and a Private Security Individual Licence.

And if problems do arise on the job, it’s good to know that our guards are also trained in dispute resolution and managing conflict using negotiation. They have self-defence skills too.

So, with all that to draw on, it’s no wonder we’re leading suppliers of security guards Ballarat clients trust to protect their businesses.

Clients feel relieved knowing that Sectrol’s professional staff will regularly patrol their business, carrying out a range of checks including making sure external doors and windows are locked and standing strong.

If an alarm triggers, our guards will respond quickly, assessing the situation at the property and alerting other services including the fire brigade or police if necessary. They will make sure the business is not left vulnerable to further harm.

If you’ve put blood, sweat and tears into building your business, then protect it well in your absence. Protect it with the help of our sterling security guards in Ballarat.

Please contact us at Sectrol Security if you would like more information about our guards and the other services we offer to boost your level of protection.