December 20, 2012We would like to wish all of our valued Sectrol clients a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s Eve period. Also, we wanted to mention that although based in Ballarat, we service surrounding areas like Maryborough. So if you need Maryborough security this silly season, Sectrol is here to help. We offer many...
Read more November 21, 2012With a recent article published in The Courier revealing that crime rates in Ballarat have risen by almost 12 percent this year, it could be timely to consider an upgrade to your security with our services here at Sectrol. One easy and effective security measure you could take for protecting your business or assets might...
Read more October 16, 2012Local Council elections throughout Victoria are well underway with the Central Goldfields Shire Council elections being held via postal vote and we strongly encourage residents to have their say and vote. Our local councillors play an important part in our community and we believe you should find the issues that are important to you and...
Read more September 12, 2012Placement of your CCTV camera is as important as the quality of the unit you buy and its proper installation. There is no point having it at all if it does not provide full surveillance of your home or your office. Some points to consider when thinking of CCTV installation Ararat: 1. Covering the Whole...
Read more August 14, 2012CCTV (or closed circuit television) is an investment well worth considering. There have been numerous studies that have shown a major reduction in crime in areas covered by video surveillance. This means substantial benefits for the protection of the community as well as property. There are many benefits of considering cctv installation Ballarat. This includes...
Read more July 16, 2012Victoria is one of the most well known states in Australia. Do you own a home or business there, or are you looking to have one? In both cases, you have to arrange proper security for your home and for your business. There are various options in the market and you can opt for any...
Read more July 4, 2012Recent statistics show an alarming increase in crime in Bendigo. The March stats released by the Victoria Police show that over the previous 12 months property damage has increased by 12.5%. In a recent Bendigo Advertiser article, local police inspector Mark Edwards pointed out there had been a steady increase in crime against the person...
Read more June 14, 2012Security comes in a range of forms and not all involve installing a range of products such as alarms and security cameras or hiring guarded patrols. One of the most effective forms of security is the community where people watch out for other people to keep residents, homes and businesses safe. Mildura’s Neighbourhood Watch program...
Read more May 21, 2012Keeping Our Community Safe While we are not in the job of scaremongering, it is our job to provide security services and solutions to the communities we work in. Unfortunately, the reality is that there is a need to keep your business safe. Just last week, as reported in The Melton Weekly, 12 teenagers were...
Read more April 18, 2012A disturbing increase in Hamilton’s crime rate has led to an increased awareness of security options available to residents and businesses. The Hamilton crime rate increase was raised in State Parliament last month by Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford calling for action to reduce crime rate throughout the Western Districts. The statistics showed a...
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